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What is ClubNFT?

All the necessary data for a reliable project research

This page contains ClubNFT key metrics such as: current price, market cap, trading volume, price change, and other relevant information like project backers, twitter network and public sale platforms, that can help investors make informed decisions about investing in ClubNFT.

ClubNFT Price Chart

A price chart for ClubNFT displays the historical trading data for the asset, including private and public prices, highest and lowest prices, and the current price. The chart is designed to help traders analyze the price movements of ClubNFT and understand how current price relates to other price points. The chart will typically be accompanied by data, like: current price, all time high price, all time low price, private price, and public price.

ClubNFT ATH Price

ATH stands for All-Time High. In the context of cryptocurrency, it refers to the highest price that a particular coin or token has ever reached. For example, if the price of Bitcoin reached $40,000 for the first time, that would be considered its ATH.

ClubNFT ATL Price

The All-Time Low (ATL) price is the lowest value the token has ever reached on a crypto exchanges. It's a historical data point which can help to gauge the token performance over time and make investment decisions.

ClubNFT Public Price

The public price - is the value of the token at initial offering either via initial coin offering, initial dex offering, or initial exchange offering. This is the price a token or a coin was offered to public before it is available for trading. Public price is useful for traders and investors to gauge the advantage of current value of an asset over value offered to the public investors.

ClubNFT Private Price

The private price - refers to the value of the token, that is negotiated and agreed upon between private parties, usually institutional investors or high net worth individuals. These prices are not publicly available and are not influenced by the overall market conditions or trading activity. They may be based on a set of specific terms and conditions, such as lock-up periods or minimum investment amounts, and may differ significantly from the public price.

ClubNFT Current Price

The curent price is the current market value of a token or a coin, available on crypto exchanges, changes constantly, influenced by market conditions, news & trading activity. Useful for traders and investors to make informed decisions.

ClubNFT Price Change for 24h, 7d, 14d, 30d and 1y periods

The price change for a specific period for ClubNFT project - shows how the token's value has changed over that period of time. It's a useful metric to gauge the token's performance.

    ClubNFT Market Cap

    Market Cap for ClubNFT is a metric to determine the current value of the project. Calculated by multiplying all the tokens in circulation by the current price. It is a metric used to gauge the size of the project and its relative importance in the crypto market.

    ClubNFT Initial Market Cap

    Initial Market Cap for ClubNFT crypto project is the total value of available tokens in circulation at the time of the initial coin offering (ICO) or initial listing on a cryptocurrency exchange. It is calculated by multiplying the initial price of the token by the initial circulation of the token. It's a metric used to gauge the size of the project and its relative importance in the crypto market at the initial stage of the token's life cycle. It's also a benchmark to evaluate the token performance over time.

    ClubNFT Initial FDMC

    Initial FDMC (Fully Diluted Market Cap) of ClubNFT project - refers to the project valuation at the time of the initial coin offering (ICO) or initial listing on a cryptocurrency exchange.

    ClubNFT FDMC

    FDMC (Fully Diluted Market Cap) for ClubNFT is the project valuation at current price. It takes into account all the tokens including available for trading in the open market and the ones that are locked up or restricted. It's a metric used to gauge the liquidity of a token and the market's perception of its value.

    ClubNFT Market Cap

    Market Cap is the total value of all the tokens in circulation, calculated by multiplying the current price of the token by the current circulation of the token. It is a metric used to gauge the size of the project and its relative importance in the crypto market.

    ClubNFT Moonsheet

    A moonsheet represents a prediction or a forecast of a future high value for the token. It's a term used by crypto traders and investors for a token that is expected to experience a significant price increase, similar to the moon landing.

    ClubNFT Moonsheet ROI

    Moonsheet ROI - is the expected return on investment for the token, based on the predicted future value of the token. It's a metric used by crypto traders and investors to evaluate the potential profitability of the investment in the project.

    ClubNFT Moonsheet Price

    Moonsheet price - is the predicted future high value of the token. It's a term used by crypto traders and investors for a token that is expected to experience a significant price increase, similar to the moon landing. It's a forecasted number that can be used for investment decisions.

    ClubNFT Moonsheet Market Cap

    Moonsheet Market Cap - is the predicted future market capitalization for the token based on the predicted future value of the token. It's a metric used by crypto traders and investors to evaluate the potential size of the market for the token in the future.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is the price prediction for ClubNFT?

    The price for any crypto project is solely dependent by demand & supply. It crypto project supply is usually available to the public. The current supply of ClubNFT is 0.0, however the total supply is 0.0. Increase in the supply cause decrease in the price given constant demand. As for the demand, it is a determined by various factos, like: utility, project updates, and most important community support. The great starting point for ClubNFT price prediction would be to join its community and analyze their support. Nobody would be able to predict the price, but some key metrics to watch for: future unlocks, price change trend, social activity, valuation, and volume.

    How much is ClubNFT crypto worth?

    The value of the project is a very important concept to understand before any investment decision. Never look at ClubNFT price alone. The current price is just the last aggreed price between the seller and a buyer. The correct way to understand ClubNFT value is to look at current market cap. It is also a good habbit to watch for fully diluted market cap, which is also known as project valuation (value projection at current price). To add, always consider the project liquidity and volume, which give a larger picture of the project value.

    Where can I buy ClubNFT?

    There are several options to buy a crypto asset: decentralized exchanges and centralized exchanges. Hovever, ClubNFT is currently not tradeble anywhere.