Oriole Insights Announces its Prediction Platform Closed Beta
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(to consider)Oriole Insights Announces its Prediction Platform Closed Beta
Oriole Inisights, a gamified platform for crypto predictions, has unveiled Closed Beta, which will be conducted from Nov 27, 2023 to Feb 27, 2024.
What is Oriole Beta?
Oriole Insights is price change prediction platform. It serves as testing ground for traders and a representation of public sentiment. It provides an ability to vote on whether the price of an asset with go UP or DOWN. Based on the information from the votes it complies a data to monitor sentiment changes on the market. It also provides scalability resource for public traders, KOLs and influencers, as all the profile are available in free access. Each expert can prove himself by placing correct votes and elevating his reputation and level. Oriole already finished 200 people Closed Test, and now expands it for bigger public.
Tester duties:
The core idea of Beta is to test all the processes, collect feedback and look for small bugs. Thus, tested should look for any mysfunctions, assess the quality of UX and UI design and submit appropriate feedback.
Registration: Live - Nov 20, 2023
Criteria to be whitelisted: Active Twitter, Active Wallet, holding UA Cats Division NFT and Discord activity.
Rewards: Early access, 200 ORI on internal account, access to Ambassadore Program and more.